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Donnerstag, 4. August 2016

ubuntu: create a simple php autoloader with composer

Here is a simple example how to setup a simple autoloader with composer classmap.

1) install composer:

2) create 2 classes in 2 folders.
- create a folder named "myproject"
- in this folder create a folder "app" and a folder "library"
- so that you have this structure:

In the app/library folder create a php Class "Calculator.php"

create autoloader
- in the "myproject" folder create a file "composer.json" with follwing content

Switch to your terminal to the folder, where your composer.json is stored. type:
php composer install

After that a "vendor" folder is generated with the autoloading files.
Every Classes which are stored in the classmap ("app/library") will be automaticly added to the autoloading classmap.

Create a file "index.php" in folder "myproject" and add folling content,:

You now can use the calculator class without require or include like that:

Switch to terminal and type:
php index.php

this will output the result of 2+2 in yout terminal. You see the class Calculator gets automaticly loaded.

Now lets add a new folder "models" to the classmap
- create a folder named "models" in the folder "myproject"
- create a php class "User.php" in that folder

Now add the new folder "models" to the composer.json classmap
- open composer.json and add "app/models" to the classmap, so that it looks like that:

- switch back to your terminal in the folder where composer.json is stored and type:
php composer dump-autoload

If you open vendor/autoload_classmap.php you will see the new addition of the Usermodel.

Thats it.

In one of the next tutorials, PSR 0 and PSR 4 will be explained.

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