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Montag, 8. August 2016

docker: create your first container with selenium 3.0 on ubuntu 16.04

In the last post, we installed docker on our local ubuntu 16.04

Now let's create an own image with a complete selenium testenviroment on it.


Installed Docker
An account on docker hub (https://www.docker.com/)

Pull an Ubuntu 16.04 image

We want to install Selenium on a lunux ubuntu image. So we have to pull this image first.

$ sudo docker pull ubuntu:14.04
$ sudo docker images

The first command downloads the ubuntu base image, we want to use.
The second command "images" shows us the newly installed image. Please remember the Image ID. You will need it now

Create a new container

Use Run to create a new container
"Run" is used to create a new container.

You can type:
$ sudo docker run --help
to get all supported options.

For our first image we want to use:
$ docker run-i -t <your ubuntu image id> /bin/bash

This tells docker to create a container and open a shell on it, so that we can install our selenium tools.

Now you have a console on the ubuntu machine.

You can type "exit" to get back to the host.

Start the new container

After you have created your container, you can list all containers with
$ docker ps

This will output your running processes:

You now see your container id in the left

To start our container we type:
$ docker start <your container id>

Bind a shell to the container

At nex we want to bind a shell on our new container with:
$ docker attach <your container id>

The next input will be on the container

Install Selenium 3.0

After we have binded a shell on the new container, we install our testenviroment on the container
$ apt-get update

Install Java
$ apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk

This could take a while.....

Install wget
$ apt-get install wget

Download and install selenium
$ mkdir /usr/lib/selenium
$ wget --output-document=selenium-server-standalone-3.0.0-beta2.jar http://goo.gl/2lZ46z
$ chmod +x selenium-server-standalone-3.0.0-beta2.jar

This will download the selenium server and set executable accessrights

You should have a look for the current downloadurl of selenium under

Install Selenium as a service

To install the new selium server as a service you only have to save follwing script under "/etc/init.d/selenium"

Make script rebootsave
$ update-rc.d selenium defaults

Create logfiles
$ mkdir -p /var/log/selenium
$ touch /var/log/selenium/selenium-output.log

Install gecko webdriver for firefox

$ cd /usr/lib/selenium
$ wget https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/download/v0.10.0/geckodriver-v0.10.0-linux64.tar.gz
$ tar xfvz geckodriver-v0.10.0-linux64.tar.gz
$ mv geckodriver-v0.10.0-linux64.tar.gz geckodriver

Install firefox

$ apt-get install firefox

Install webdriver for chrome

$ cd /usr/lib/selenium
$ wget http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/2.23/chromedriver_linux64.zip
$ apt-get install unzip
$ unzip chromedriver_linux64.zip
$ rm -rf  chromedriver_linux64.zip

Install headless browsing

To use headless browser we need xvfb. Headless means, that our server has no UI like a desktop machine. So the browser needs to be started "headless"
$ apt-get install xvfb
$ Xvfb :10 -ac
$ export DISPLAY=:10

Test selenium server

To test, if the serviceinstallation worked, you can simply type:

$ /etc/init.d/selenium start

Commit your container to the docker hub

 Your installation on the container is now complete. You now can commit and push it to docker

$ docker login

Now you have to enter you accessdata

$ docker commit -m "add selenium server" <your dockerid><your imageid>
$ docker push <your dockerid>

Thats it. Your new image is avalable in the docker hub

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