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Sonntag, 25. September 2016

node.js: create and scale a simple rest microservice cluster with cluster.js and express to your servers cpu

Everyone speaks about microservices. Today we want to create our first node.js microservice based on an article in the current phpmagazin.

On top we want to add this microservice to a servicecluster, which can scale perfect to your hardware and doubles your number of request per second to 10000 hits / sec


We need some things installed on the local machine.
  • node.js and npm installed

If you have installed the node and npm we can proceed


Create a npm project

-npm init 
This will open a promt to fill your projectdata


Install needed node libraries

We need express.js as a webserver framework, SQLite.js as the database-layer and body-parser to process responses

-npm install --save express body-parser cluster

Create index file

Our index.js references the libraries, implements the router and starts the app on port 8085

Here is the index.js

const express = require('express');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');

const app = express();




Create your routings

Our service implements 6 routes:

URL HTTP Method Description
/timetrack/ GET READ all entries
/timetrack/user/:id GET READ a user entry
/timetrack/id/:id GET READ an entry
/timetrack/ POST add an entry
/timetrack/:id PUT update an entry
/timetrack/:id DELETE delete an entry

Lets create this routes in the folder "lib" (create this folder) by adding a file "routes.js"

This simple router just takes the requests and returns a static string, so that we can see the router working

module.exports = function (app)
    app.get('/timetrack/id/:id', (req, res)=>
        res.send('Returning a specific item');

    app.get('/timetrack', (req, res)=>
        res.send('Returning all items');

    app.post('/timetrack', (req, res)=>
        res.send('add an item');

    app.put('/timetrack/:id', (req, res)=>
        res.send('updating an item');

    app.delete('/timetrack/:id', (req, res)=>
        res.send('delete a specific item');

Create your cluster

Cluster.js gives us the possibility to create 1 nodeprocess per cpu. So you can scale your node app with factor 8 on a octacore i7

This will double the number of request per second.

var cluster = require('cluster');
var numCPUs = require('os').cpus().length;

if (cluster.isMaster) {
  console.log('found:' + numCPUs + ' cpus on this server:');

  for (var i = 0; i < numCPUs; i++) {
    console.log('starting cluster instance on cpu:' + i);

  cluster.on('exit', function(worker, code, signal) {
    console.log('worker ' + worker.process.pid + ' died');
} else {

    //change this line to Your Node.js app entry point.

Test your service

node index.js

Open a second terminal and run

ab -n 10000 -c 1000 http://localhost:8085 

Now we want to scale our service:
Stop your app and restart it with

node cluster.js
Restest the service and compare the results
ab -n 10000 -c 1000 http://localhost:8085 

As you can see, in the first test we got 5448 Request per second. On the second test with cluster.js we have 10756 Requste per second. This is more then double the perfomance.

Realy awsome

http2: make express talk https with spd2

In on of our last tutorials, we implemented http2 in a node app with spdy.
Today we want to teach express how to speak http2. Except the cert creation it is a quite easy task.

To make things simple we selfsign this certificate and import it to firefox.


We need some things installed on the local machine.
  • a /etc/hostfile entry for "nodejs.local"
  • a ssl certificate for nodejs.local
  • node.js installed

Get the ssl cert and the server key

Create a projectfolder in your webroot.

Save that cert as server.crt and the server.key to your local project under <projectroot>/etc/certs/



Alternativly you can sign your own cert with openssl

Now open in Firefox:
Settings->Advanced->Certificate and import it under "Cert Authority"

Create an node-express / spdy app

Install spdy and fs
npm install --save fs spdy exppress

Spdy is needed to handly http2 requests and fs will handle our key and certfiles.
Express will do the routing and takes our requests. After that the express app is passed into spdy as an agument. On that point spdy will handle the express app and bind a server on port 8084

Create the webserver by saving folling code as index.js in your projectroot
const spdy = require('spdy');
const fs = require('fs');

const express = require('express');
const app = express();

const options = 
    cert: fs.readFileSync('../etc/certs/server.crt')

    res.send('Hello express');

spdy.createServer(options, app).listen(8084);

Run your new http2 server
node index.js

This will bind a simple server on port 8084, so that you can surf http://nodejs.local:8084 and see "Hello Client"

If you open firebug, you will see, that your request will use http 2 on express


Samstag, 24. September 2016

ivy: publish to nexus - unauthorized

It tooked me 6 hours and many retries to find out, that its not possible to use the ivy publish task on a host like: "http://localhost:8082"

It shows up in a message like that: impossible to publish artifacts for com-test#coolsoftwaremodule;working@pboethig: java.io.IOException: Access to URL http://localhost:8082/content/repositories/releases/com-test/coolsoftwaremodule/ was refused by the server: Unauthorized
I wrongly have used a build.properties like that:
repo.realm=Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager

 and a credentialsobject like that:
If you want to ivy:publish to a custom port you have to configure the port like that:
repo.realm=Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager

 and a credentialsobject like that:
Hope that will save you some time!

ant: retrieve , resolve and publish dependencies to nexus

For everyone who is looking for the basics in Ant, Ivy and Nexus, here is my simplest example how to connect, retrieve and publish  artifacts from nexus with ant and ivy


We need some things installed on the local machine.
  • ant installed
    • apt-get install ant
  • nexus installed
    • https://github.com/sonatype/docker-nexus




Setup the build.xml

We want to cleanup the local build folders, download some needed dependencies and cleanup the build cache. A very simple task, you would think. But have a look. That will come a little bit more complex now.

All single tasks will be defined in the build.xml. This file will be run by ant.

Its important, that you see the "depends" attribute on every single task, This attributes defines the order of processing the single task.

My build.xml
<project name="Testproject" default="init" basedir="." xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant">
    simple example build file
  <!-- set global properties for this build -->
    <property name="src" location="src"/>
  <property name="build" location="build"/>
  <property name="dist" location="dist"/>
  <property name="ivy-version" value="2.2.0"/>
  <property name="ivy.url" value="http://central.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/ivy/ivy/${ivy.version}/ivy-${ivy.version}.jar"/>

<target name="init" depends="clean">
    <ivy:settings file="ivysettings.xml"/>

<target name="resolve">
  <echo>Downloading dependencies defined in ivy.xml</echo>
    <get src="${ivy.url}" dest="${basedir}/.ant/lib/ivy-${ivy.version}.jar" skipexisting="true"/>

    <taskdef resource="org/apache/ivy/ant/antlib.xml" uri="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" classpath="${basedir}/.ant/lib/ivy-${ivy.version}.jar"/>
    <ivy:retrieve pattern="target/modules/[artifact].[ext]" symlink="true" type="zip"/>
    <unzip dest=".">
      <fileset dir="target/modules"/>
    <mkdir dir="target/buildlibs"/>
    <ivy:retrieve pattern="target/buildlibs/[artifact].[ext]" symlink="true" type="jar"/>

<target name="clean" description="Cleanup build directory">

<target name="clean-all" depends="init,clean" description="Clean and purge caches">
    <!-- Purge the ivy cache -->
This sets up a "Testproject" in ant which uses ivy for configuring the build task properties. As you can see, we are defining some properties (src, build and dist).

There are 4 Task, which will be executed in following order.

- this task cleans up the build folders. So all sources, which are only needed for this build can be deleted. Its getting called by the "init" task.

- this is the task, which initializes the projectbuild starts the cleaning task first. As you can see, there is a file reference to ivysettings.xml.  Later I will explain that.

- this task will download all needed buildtools and project dependencies, we have defined in a the central dependency managementfile named "ivy.xml".

- At the end we will delete the ivy cache.

To make that buildfile work, we need 3 further more files. A "ivy.xml", a "ivysettings.xml" and a "build.properties file".


Setup the ivy.xml

In our build.xml in task init we defined that we want to use ivy and it's settings as our configuration tool to configure the build.xml

If you have a look in the ivy.xml you will see following code

<ivy-module version="2.0">
    <info organisation="com.test" module="test.php.project"/>
        <artifact type="zip" ext="zip"/>
        <artifact type="pom" ext="pom"/>
     <dependency org="com-test" name="test" rev="1.1.1" transitive="false"/>

As you can see, we have 3 object here:

the info object
- This will define the organisation, which can be the reverted company homepage like "com.google" and the modulename, which defines the name of the softwarepackage

the publications object
-this defines the artifacts , which will be published at the end of the process. Because we will use the maven2 standard we will publish a .pom file, which contains the needed maven2 metadata for our buildartifact. You will see, thet nexus needs that pomfile to store the packageinformation.

the dependencies list
- here you will define your project or builddependencies, which will be downloaded and usedduring the build. All 3rd party libraries can be defined here and merged into your project later by a pecific ant task.
In that project we will simply download a test.zip package from organisation "com-test" in version 1.1.1
Please make sure, you have uploaded a similar file to your nexus repo, so that we can resolve this dependency

Setup the ivysettings.xml

This file you will need to store common buildinformation like credentials to access the artifacttool (nexus) or to define your resolvers to to download and publish your artifacts. 

This file gets included in your init task of your build.xml. Thats very important. otherwhise, your build task wont find its properties to work.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <properties file="${user.home}/.ant/config/build.properties"/>

 <settings defaultResolver="public"/>
  <ibiblio name="public" m2compatible="true" useMavenMetadata="false" root="${repo.protocoll}://${repo.host}:${repo.port}/content/repositories/php"/>
   <url name="publish" m2compatible="true">

As you can see, we are defining a property named "properties file". This means, that we will load our predefied set of properties from a file named "build.properties". Here we will store our secret accessdata to nexus. Every programmer has to install this file manually in his home dir

Further more you see a creentials object. This object uses the variables defined in the build.properties to store the accessdata to nexus. At last the ivysettings defined the url resolver. The resolver downloads and uploads the build artifacts to nexus under a defined url pattern,


Setup the build.properties

repo.realm=Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager

Save this file to /<homedir>/.ant/config/build.properties

Make sure your nexus connectiondata are working!


Run your build

Now you can run ant init on the terminal

ant init
If everything went well you will get a Build success

Dienstag, 20. September 2016

ant: create targets for different os

If you want to execute your ant task on different os like windows or linux you can use a special exec attribute "osfamily"

This attribute allows you to define targets for each os.

Here is a sample target to execute phpunit on linux and windows.

<project name="Testproject" default="dist" basedir=".">
    simple example build file
  <!-- set global properties for this build -->
  <property name="src" location="src"/>
  <property name="build" location="build"/>
  <property name="dist" location="dist"/>

  <target name="init">
    <antcall target="PHPUnit" />

  <target  name="PHPUnit" description="Run PHP Unit">
    <exec osfamily="unix" executable="${basedir}/vendor/bin/phpunit" failonerror="true">
      <arg value="--configuration"/>
      <arg value="${basedir}/phpunit.xml"/>
      <exec osfamily="windows" executable="${basedir}/vendor/bin/phpunit.bat" failonerror="true">
          <arg value="--configuration"/>
          <arg value="${basedir}/phpunit.xml"/>

  <target name="dist">
  <target name="clean"
        description="clean up">
    <!-- Delete the ${build} and ${dist} directory trees -->
    <delete dir="${build}"/>
    <delete dir="${dist}"/>

Simply run:

ant init

As you can see, there are 2 exec objects with a osfamily attribute for windows and linux.

This is simply awsome !

Sonntag, 18. September 2016

https: use node.js spdy to implement http2

Because http2 is the next generation protocoll in the web with all its advantages like performance, better informations etc, we want to implement a simple http2 webserver.

Most of the browser do actually support http2. FF, Safari IE 11 and Opera in the latest version does.

Because all browsers are making ssl / tsl to the encryption standard when using http2, you will need a certificate.

To make things simple we selfsign this certificate and import it to firefox.


We need some things installed on the local machine.
  • a /etc/hostfile entry for "nodejs.local"
  • a ssl certificate for nodejs.local
  • node.js installed

Get the ssl cert and the server key

Create a projectfolder in your webroot.

Save that cert as server.crt and the server.key to your local project under <projectroot>/etc/certs/



Alternativly you can sign your own cert with openssl

Now open in Firefox:
Settings->Advanced->Certificate and import it under "Cert Authority"

Create a simple webapp using http2

Install spdy and fs
npm install --save fs spdy

Spdy is needed to handly http2 requests and fs will handle our key and certfiles

Create the webserver by saving folling code as index.js in your projectroot
const spdy = require('spdy');
const fs = require('fs');

const options =
    cert: fs.readFileSync('./etc/certs/server.crt')

spdy.createServer(options, (req, res)=>
    res.end('Hello Client');


Run your new http2 server
node index.js

This will bind a simple server on port 8084, so that you can surf http://nodejs.local:8084 and see "Hello Client"

If you open firebug, you will see, that your request will use http 2


openssl: create a self signed certificate for a local host entry

From time to time you will need to create a TSL / SSL certificate on your local machine. For instance, if you want you use http2.  In most of the browsers http2 implements TSL / SSL. So you need a cert for your localhost.

You will learn in this tutorial
  •  to create a secure and a insecure serverkey needed for a Certificate Request with openssl
  •  to create a Certificate Request from a serverkey with openssl
  •  to create a selfsigned certificate from a Certificate Request with openssl

  •  openssl

Create serverkeys

The first step in certificate creatation is to create serverkeys for a CR (Certificate Request) on your servermachine. That means, your will create a 2048 bit RSA server.key on your local servermachine and reques a cert for for this server on a CA (Certificate Authority) so that the CA can approve this  request with a cert for this servermachine key.

Every cert is signed to only one serverkey, except when you are using wildcard certificates

Normally you will use a common CA like Verisign, Commode or Geotrust. In our case we want to create a selfsigned certificate. In that case we are our own CA.

Clearly, thats only usefull, if we want to develop locally or internaly.

So let's create the server.key's
openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 2048

At next you will be asked for a passphrase. Type in a secure password with min length 5 letters, a specialchar and 1 digit

That's it. You will now find a file "server.key" in the current directory

Create a server.key for passwordless encryption. 
The server.key you have cfreated will ask everytime for a pasword, if you use it. To prevent that, we will now create a further serer,key, which doens't need a password, because it's based on the password encrypted key, we have created before.

openssl rsa -in server.key -out server.key.insecure

This will save a new key "server.key.insecure"

Let's rename the key 
To get rid of the insecure word in a serverkey, we simply rename them. :)
mv server.key server.key.secure
mv server.key.insecure server.key 

Now we have created our passwordless server,key.

Create a CR for your server.key

Now we have to create our Certificate Request (CR) for our server.key. This can also be done by openssl

openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr 

At next you will be asked for the server.key passphrase.

In the next prompts you will be asked for Detailinformations of your company.

We want to create a cert for local development under "https://nodejs.local".

So your FQDN is nodejs.local

Don`t forget to add nodejs.local to your local /etc/hosts

After you typed in your password,openssl will save a file "server.csr" in your current directory.

Now, you can send this CertRequest to your CertAuthority or you can self sign the certificate


Selfsign your certificate

For local development we do not want to spend 100 Bugs a year, So lets selfsign the cert. But you will never use that for stage or live / prod system, where your customers are logging them in.

openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt

Great. Now we have a new certificate for our dev environment

You can use  the generated "the server.crt" and "server.key" files in your application to en- and decrypt requests

It is a good idea to store the files in a central folder like /etc/ssl/certs and /etc/ssl/keys

At last you have to import this new cert in your browser.

Under Settings->Advanced->Certificates you can inport it under "Certificate Authorities"

Cheers !

Freitag, 16. September 2016

jenkins: install an ubuntu slave as a service.

Before we start to write any line of code, we should make sure, that out buildsystem is running and the CI process in our new project is automatted.

The CI pipline only is complete, when you deploy your project directly to your test , stage and liveservern.

One possibility is, to register your webserver as a slave on your buildserver.

In our case we are using jenkins as a master build server and a ubuntu webserver as a slave.

If everythings is correct, you will see yout slavenode on the jenkinsdashboard.
Our slave is called "docker_gitlab_webserver_1" our Jenkins server listens to "dockergitlab_jenkins_1" on port 8080

So let'shave a look on the configuration

Configure your new node

As you can see we have defined a rootdirectory on the slave "/var/lib/jenkins".
Create that folder a on the slave machine nd make it accessable for the master.

This configuration will use Java Webstart with Jnpl. This will do the trick on communication between slave and master.

After you save the configuration you will get a downloadlink for your "slave.jar" and a command, which you can execute on your slave

Execute on your slave
java -jar slave.jar -jnlpUrl http://dockergitlab_jenkins_1:8080/computer/dockergitlab_webserver_1/slave-agent.jnlp

This has to be executed in "/var/lib/jenkins"

Make sure you have java 7 installed

After that you can see your slave running "connected" on your jenkins master.

Great !

Install this startupscript as a service

To make that rebootsafe you have to create a service and add it to the ubuntu runlevels S and 2, 3 and 6

Create a file "/etc/init.d/jenkins-slave"

sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/jenkins-slave
sudo chown root:root /etc/init.d/jenkins-slave
sudo update-rc.d jenkins-slave defaults 

Add it to Autostart 
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/insserv/insserv /sbin/jenkins-slave
sudo insserv jenkins-slave 

This will set correct accessrights to your service Make sure, you have replaced the parameters with your data.

Sonntag, 11. September 2016

unittesting: install and use phpunit from scratch.

If you start a new php project, you will find it hard to implement phpunit in your project and in your local environment, because after a while you simply forget how the setup is working.

So let's repeat the installation and configuration of composer and phpunit.

We want:
  • running composer
  • running phpunit
  • a sample project skelleton
  • a sample class
  • a simple test for a class
We need some things installed on the local machine. We are webprogrammers who love unix and linux. So we are using a ubuntu xenial 16.04


    Install composer 

    With composer the hard task of outloading your sourcefiles is a little bit simpler. Because it makes some work for us, we really dont want to do, like setup autoloading manually. PHP isnt very comfortable here. So we have to use a tool.

    Composer install
    php -r "copy('https://getcomposer.org/installer', 'composer-setup.php');"
    php composer-setup.php
    php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"
    sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/
    sed -i "$ aalias composer='php /usr/local/bin/composer.phar' " ~/.bashrc . ~/.profile
    source ~/.bashrc

    This will install composer and add it to your console, so that you can simply type "composer"

    Install phpunit

    To make sure, we have the lastest stable version installed we use composer to istall phpunit.

    phpunit install
    composer  global require "phpunit/phpunit"
    add it to the console
    sudo ln -s  ~/.composer/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit   /usr/bin/ 
    test it
    composer install 
    phpunit --version

    Configure psr-4 autoloading

    We want to use the latest standard to load our classes with namespacing and psr-4.

    To do that, we have to tell composer to use psr-4

    open composer.json and add
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {"TestPhpProject\\": "src/"}

    This will search for all Classes with Namespace "TestPhpProject" in a folder "src"

    Now we have to run a scanning for all classes in class src initialy to create the psr-4 classmap

    recreate psr-4 autoloading classmap
    composer dump-autoload

    Create a testproject

    Now that we have composer ready to load our classes automaticly, we have to setup our corresponding  projectstructure:

    Create folderstructure like that

    Create a phpunit test class under "test" named MathTest.php with this content:
    use TestPhpProject\Math;
    class MathTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
        // test the talk method
        public function testAdd() {
            // make an instance of the user
            $math = new Math();
            // use assertEquals to ensure the greeting is what you
            $expected = 1;
            $actual = $math->add(1,2);
            $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);

    We always create our test before we implement the class.

    This simple testcase uses the TestPhpProject\Math class , we created before.

    The class MathTest extends the UnitTest Framework class "TestCase" and implements a method testAdd(). This method refences a Mathobject and comares trhe result from the method add() with an expected result 1. This will fail.

    If your first test fails, ist greate, because it must fail for the first time. All things fail first!

    Learn to accept! It makes things very easy.

    Create a simple class under "src" named Math.php with this content:
    namespace TestPhpProject;
    Class Math
        public function __construct()
            $this->_test = '1';
        public function add($x, $y)
            return $x+$y;

    As you can see we have defined a namespace TestPhpProject, wich corresponds to our psr-4 autoloader we defined before. It has a constructor which sets the property test to 1 and a function add, which simply add 2 sumands and returns the result.

    Pretty simple.

    Tell phpunit to use our test directory and our composer autoloader to load our testsfiles automaticly.
    Add a file phpunit.xml to your projectroot with this content
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><phpunit bootstrap="./vendor/autoload.php"> 
       <testsuite name="The project's test suite"> 

    Run our first test


    Samstag, 10. September 2016

    build: automate your php code reviews with ant tasks

    Each php project needs a local build process, to check the code quality.
    In PHP there are some standard tools to check.
    - Codestyle
    - Dependencies
    - Complexity
    - Syntaxerrors

    and many more issues.

    Its very handy to use tools like ant, to wrap up this QA tools. So you can automate the code review process and run this tool against your codebase.

    Once you have ant installed, you can add a build.xml definition to your project. This definition orchestrates the single phptools to inspect your code and create docs.  This tasks are called "Ant-Tasks"

    After you have setup your build.xml you can simly start ant to run all tests.

    Later you can add this ant tasks to your jenkins buildsystem to check every releaseversion for issues in quality.

    Lets start.


    We need some things installed on the local machine.
    • ant
    • composer

    Create a testproject

    I have created a small testproject with just 1 class and 1 testclass in it.
    But that's okay to demonstrate the case. If you take a look in the composer.json, you will see, that all buildtools will be installed during build. So you dont need to install any tool, except ant

    Just clone the project:
    git clone https://github.com/pboethig/testPHPProject.git

    Create your build definition

    We want to create a single task for each testing tool in our defintion.
    Additionalyl we have to prepare the buildfolder-structure and setup the project with this build definition.

    Her is mine. It lives directly in the project root.

    As you can see, there is a task named "<target>" for each tool which gets run on the codebase in the src folder.

    The single targets gets run by the 2 targets TEST and REPORT. Later your will start the REPORT TASK via ant in the console. This will automaticly start the TEST target, so that single targets can be executed.

    My build.xml from the projectroot

    Start your local build

    After you have installed the tools and configured your build tasks to run that tools on your codebase

    Open a terminal in your projectroot and run:

    ant init

    If you want to start a release build you simply can run:

    After that you can see the results on the console and in the "build/logs" folder.

    ant init package -DTAG_TO_BUILD=1.0.1

    This will create a release packagein folder "release"

    You can use this project-skelleton in jenkins buildjobs too.

    For better understanding of the testresults it good to read the documentation of the tools.

    Donnerstag, 8. September 2016

    build: get a webapp buildenvironment up and running with one click. jenkis, selenium, gitlab, nexus out of the box

    The foundation of a succesful product is a comlete automated infrastructure.
    From editing a file till the automated deployment pipeline.

    Only a nearly complete automated build-, test- , release- and deploymentstructure makes it possible to implement modern architectures, which saves time and let us concentrate on the important things to do, like writing businesscode

    We want:
    • Versioncontroll with git
    • Codestylecheck with codesniffer
    • "Copy and Paste" detector to prevent mess
    • Automated unittest
    • Automatted seleniumtests
    • A releasepackage build
    • Copy the release artifacts to the artifact manager
    • autmate the deployment

    For that we need some tools like gitlab, jenkins, sonar nexus and selenium. But noone want to install these tools by hand today.

    "Git submodules" and "docker-compose" does the trick for us.

    Let's create a tool, that will install these tools for us in a docker construct.


    We need some things installed on the local machine.
    • docker installed
    • docker-compose installed

    Get the installscript 

    We just clone the docker scripts from this repository

    Clone setupscripts
    $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/pboethig/PhpBuildSystem.git
    $ cd builsystem
    $ ./startup.sh 

    This will clone all releated submodules in that main repository

    Installed Components

    The startup.sh script will execute docker-compose commands for each single application. This will bring up all the needed containers.

    Use "docker ps" and "docker images" to show the images and containers.


    • GitLab Community Edition 8.11.4 b871b76
      • http://localhost:10080
      • username: admin@gitlabsample.com / gitlabadmin
      • Github project: https://github.com/sameersbn/docker-gitlab


    • Jenkins 2.0
      • http://localhost:8081
      • username: admin / admin
      • Build your projects, run tests , package them and deploy your application



    Sonar Nexus Repository Manager OSS 2.13.0-0:
    • http://localhost:8082
    • username: admin / admin
    • Its the artifactmanager to store releases and 3rdparty lib


    • Seleniumgrid
      • http://localhost:4444/grid/console
      • Its the artifactmanager to store releases and 3rdparty libs
      • Git project: https://github.com/elgalu/docker-selenium


    Mittwoch, 7. September 2016

    jenkins: easy install jenkins 2.0 with docker

    To make some exercises with docker, dockerfile and docker-compose, we want to automate the installation of jenkins 2.

    The goal is to have a startup script which runs the composecommands and starts the jenkins server.


    We need some things installed on the local machine.
    • docker installed
    • docker-compose installed

    Get the installscript 

    We just clone the docker scripts from this repository

    Clone setupscripts
    $ git clone https://github.com/pboethig/jenkins.git
    $ cd jenkins

    As you can see, there are 3 files in that folder. A docker-compose.yml with the minimum on imagedefinitions, a dockerfile, with the definition of the build, the network and the used ports.
    And a small startupscript which runs the docker-compose commands.

    Run the installer

    Type in your terminal
    $ ./startup.sh

    That´s it.

    Now you can reach your app under http://localhost:8081 on linux.

    On Windows / Mac  you can get the dockermachine ip with

    Dienstag, 6. September 2016

    ubuntu: make service rebootsave

    sysv-rc-conf is an alternate option for Ubuntu. The usage is almost the same.

    To install:

    sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf

    To configure apache2 to start on boot

    sysv-rc-conf apache2 on
    equivalent chkconfig command
    chkconfig apache2 enable

    To check runlevels apache2 is configured to start on

    sysv-rc-conf --list apache2
    equivalent chkconfig command
    chkconfig --list apache2

    Montag, 5. September 2016

    docker: make container accessable via ssh with username / password

    Normaly the containers are not accessable via ssh with username and password.

    This hack will aktivate ssh for root via the container ip with username and password

    Login via docker inspect <container> bash
    export TERM=xterm 
    nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    PermitRootLogin without-password
    change to
    PermitRootLogin yes
    sudo apt-get --reinstall install openssh-server openssh-client
    service ssh restart
    passwd root 
    Type in your password.
    After that you can access the container via IP and username / password

    Sonntag, 4. September 2016

    docker: create a docker-compose(v2) node.js-mongodb-docker-network with a litte sampleapp

    In our last tutorial we have created a network with 2 containers in it,
    One node.js app container with a pet app and one with our mongo db.

    That worked very well, but it was a hard fight on the console. We dont want to do that every time.  Now we want to automate that with a docker-compose.yml file.

    Let us start.


    We need some things installed on the local machine.
    • docker installed
    • git installed 
    • docker compose installed in min version 1.8.x  

    If you are on ubuntu16.04 , you will need to install docker compose manually, because the official version 1.5.x is too old for us.

    If you are on windows and mac, just install docker toolbox

    Install docker-compose 1.8.0 on ubuntu

    Open a terminal
    $ curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.8.0/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    $ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    Now you should be able to run:
    $ docker-compose -v

    Checkout our sample app

    We want to use our little pet app with node.js from the last tutorials too. It starts an express server and connects to a mongodb server "my-mongodb". The app simply lists some docs pics and some describing texts

    Clone the app repository in your projectroot
    $ git clone https://github.com/pboethig/dockerlessons.git
    $ cd dockerlessons/docker-compose


    Inspect the docker-compose.yml

    In the projectroot you find a "docker-compose.yml". This is our central file to create our container enviroment. I hope that xml or json will come on stage it the future again.

    This is the content
    version: '2'
        image: mongo
          - "mongodb:27017:27017"
           - nodeapp
           context: .
           dockerfile: node.dockerfile
          - "8080:3000"    
           - nodeapp
        driver: bridge
    To explain that
    • Line 1 defines the version of docker-compose to use. At the moment v2 is brand new and you need docker-compose 1.6.0 minimum to read it
    • Line2 contains the services object. Here are all servicenodes attached. In our case "node" and mongodb. These are the names of the images
    • As you can see mongo is build from an "image" named "mongo"
    • The mongo-portforwarding is more or less self explaining.
    • As you can see, the "node" container is build by a a dockerfile. The dockerfile resides in context "." which means, that the buildfunction looks in the current directory for it   
    • Interresting is the network definition. Both, mongodb and node are added to a network "nodeapp" which is defined at the end of the file.
    • The network "nodeapp" itself  is defined as a bridged network.
    • So both machines are encapsolated in its own network

        That is great!

    If you whish, you can have a look in the node.dockerfile, to see how the nodeapp is build from.

    Compose your containernetwork

    Now we want to start the rocket.

    Open a console and type
    docker-compose build

    After some seconds you should see a success message

    Up your container network
    docker-compose up -d

    This will start your enviroment directly.

    Inspect you container
    docker ps

    Shows your running container prefixed with "dockercompose"

    docker network ls 

    shows your network "dockercompose_nodeapp"

    At last we want to populate some data again.

    Populate data
    docker exec dockercompose_nodeapp node dbSeeder.js

    Now you can reach your app under http://localhost:8080

    docker: link a node.js container with a mongodb container in a isolated network

    In our last tutorial we have seen, how a Legacy Linking of a mongodb and a webserver can be created

    Now we want to create linked containers in an isolated network. That is good if you want to keep your containers strictly seperate from other container constructs. So you can be sure that everything in your dev enviroment is on its own area.


    We need some things installed on the local machine.
    If you have our testapp and database image already installed, you can skip the next 2 sections and start with "Create your isolated network"


    Install node.js pet-app

    We want to use a little pet app with node.js. It starts an express server and connects to a mongodb server "my-mongodb". The app simply lists some docs pics and some describing texts

    Clone the app repository in your projectroot
    $ git clone https://github.com/pboethig/dockerlessons.git
    $ cd dockerlessons/legacyLinking


    Inspect the dockerfile

    In the projectroot you find a "node.dockerfile" this is the dockerfile for our node webserver with the node.js app in it

    This is the content
    FROM node:latest
    MAINTAINER Peter Böthig
    ENV NODE_ENV=production
    ENV PORT=3000
    COPY . /var/www
    WORKDIR /var/www
    RUN npm install
    ENTRYPOINT ["npm", "start"]
    To explain that
    • Line 1 load a node baseimage
    • Line 2 define a maintainer (your username in thinat case)
    • Line 3 & 4 define enviromentvariables, to switch from dev to prod
    • Line 5 copy our sourcecode to the container in "var/www"
    • LINE 6 define a workingdirectory
    • Line 7 run npm install
    • Line 8 Expose the default webserverport (prod/live)
    • Line 9 start the express webserver
    In the follwing we use <your_docker_username>. Please make sure you have an account


    Create our image from the Dockerfile

    Now, that we have created our Dockerfile we can create our first image from it.

    Open a terminal in the folder where your Dockerfile lives
    docker build -f node.dockerfile -t <your_docker_username>/node-pet-app .

    Don't forget the last point at the end of the line, otherwhis nothing will be found to image. The first load could take some seconds.

    You can see you new image with
    docker images

    Create your mongo-database-container

    Our pet app needs a mongodatabase where the pet data live. We simply use an image from the docker hiu

    Pull the image and create a named container
    docker run -d --name my-mongodb mongo
    This will download the mongo-image and create a container "my-mongodb". The name "my-mongodb" is important, because it's  mapped to the configured databasename "mongodb" in our config/config.production.js of our pet app.


    Create your isolated network

    This task is pretty simple.

    Create custom bridged network
    docker network create --driver bridge first_isoltated_network 

    Now you can check, if everything went fine:
    docker network ls

    This will list all networks. You should see your "first_isolated_network"

    Inspect your network
    docker network inspect first_isolated_network

    This will show your networkconfiguration. At the moment the "containers" object is empty.

    Create our mongodb container and link it to our isolated_network

    Now that we have created our "first_isolated_network" lets add the mongodb container to it

    Add mongodb to the network
    docker run -d --net=first_isolated_network --name mongodb mongo

    As you can see, there is a "--net=first_private_network" attribute, wich adds the created xontainer to our network

    Inspect your network again
    docker network inspect first_isolated_network 

    This will now show you your mongo db container in the containers section.

    Create our node-js container and link it to our isolated_network

    Now we do the same with our node-js container. The one specific this is, that we directly link the app container to the database too.

    Add node app to the network
    docker run -d --net=first_isolated_network --name nodeapp

    As you can see, there is a "--net=first_private_network" attribute, wich adds the created xontainer to our network

    Inspect your network again
    docker network inspect first_isolated_network 

    This will now show you your "nodeapp" and your "mongodb" containers in the containers section of your network.

    That's totaly creazy. I love that for the moment.

    At last we want to populate some data again.

    Populate data
    docker exec nodeapp node dbSeeder.js

    Now you can reach your app under http://localhost:8080

    docker: link a node.js container with a mongodb container with legacylinking

    To use docker in an enviroment where you have to seperate database from webserver and webserver from contentserver you can use 2 methods in docker.
    Today we want to have a  look on Legacy Linking. Like the name describes is this the simplest method to link containers, wich can be marked as deprecated in the future.

    This methods simply runs the dependend containers with the --link attribute



    We need some things installed on the local machine.


    Install node.js pet-app

    We want to use a little pet app with node.js. It starts an express server and connects to a mongodb server "my-mongodb". The app simply lists some docs pics and some describing texts

    Clone the app repository in your projectroot
    $ git clone https://github.com/pboethig/dockerlessons.git
    $ cd dockerlessons/legacyLinking


    Inspect the dockerfile

    In the projectroot you find a "node.dockerfile" this is the dockerfile for our node webserver with the node.js app in it

    This is the content
    FROM node:latest
    MAINTAINER Peter Böthig
    ENV NODE_ENV=production
    ENV PORT=3000
    COPY . /var/www
    WORKDIR /var/www
    RUN npm install
    ENTRYPOINT ["npm", "start"]
    To explain that
    • Line 1 load a node baseimage
    • Line 2 define a maintainer (your username in thinat case)
    • Line 3 & 4 define enviromentvariables, to switch from dev to prod
    • Line 5 copy our sourcecode to the container in "var/www"
    • LINE 6 define a workingdirectory
    • Line 7 run npm install
    • Line 8 Expose the default webserverport (prod/live)
    • Line 9 start the express webserver
    In the follwing we use <your_docker_username>. Please make sure you have an account


    Create our image from the Dockerfile

    Now, that we have created our Dockerfile we can create our first image from it.

    Open a terminal in the folder where your Dockerfile lives
    docker build -f node.dockerfile -t <your_docker_username>/node-pet-app .

    Don't forget the last point at the end of the line, otherwhis nothing will be found to image. The first load could take some seconds.

    You can see you new image with
    docker images

    Create your mongo-database-container

    Our pet app needs a mongodatabase where the pet data live. We simply use an image from the docker hiu

    Pull the image and create a named container
    docker run -d --name my-mongodb mongo
    This will download the mongo-image and create a container "my-mongodb". The name "my-mongodb" is important, because it's  mapped to the configured databasename "mongodb" in our config/config.production.js of our pet app.


    Create our node-app container and link it to the databasecontainer

    Now that we have created our node.js app image and have our database up and running, we want to create our app server and link it to our pet database.

    Run and link the containers
    docker run -d -p 8080:3000 --link mymongodb:mongodb --name nodeapp <your_docker_username>/node-pet-app

    To explain that:
    • -d -> starts container detached, so the console can be used
    • -p 8080:3000 -> maps the hostport 8080 on the containerport 3000
    • --link my-mongodb:mongodb -> creates a link "mongodb" from to the container "my-mongodb". So "mongodb" can be found in the network
    • --name nodeapp <your_docker_username>/node-pet-app -> creates the container "nodeapp" from your app image

    Now you can reach your app under http://localhost:8080

    This is really great. But you don't see any pets. Thats because you dont have any data in it

    Populate database with testdatas
    docker exec nodeapp node dbSeeder.js

    This will execute "node dbSeeder.js" inside your new container "nodeapp"

    That's it. Really awesome stuff. Now your can surf to your new app and see your pets

    Samstag, 3. September 2016

    docker: create a dockerimage from a dockerfile with a node.js app in it

    Let's create a node.js dockerkerimage with a dockerfile and let us start a node.js app on this container


    We need some things installed on the local machine.
    • node.js installed
    • npm installed
    • docker installed

    Install node.js sampleapp

    If you already have a node.js to pack you can leave this step

    We want to use a simple express app with a hello world text, to demonstrate that the webapp is running on our container

    Install an express and express-generator
    $ npm install -g express express-generator
    $ npm install

    Create an express project
    $ express sampleApp
    This will generate our skeleton app in the current folder.

    Create our DockerFile

    With a DockerFile we are able to describe what we want to install on the container in a easy readable configfile. If you want to see the documentation, what commands the DockerFile can execute, here is the documentation

    Now we want to to following things automated by the dockerfile. This can be managed by the following dockerfile

    Save following content in a file "Dockerfile" in your project-skeletons root
    FROM node:latest
    MAINTAINER Peter Böthig
    ENV NODE_ENV=production
    ENV PORT=3000
    COPY . /var/www
    WORKDIR /var/www
    RUN npm install
    ENTRYPOINT ["npm", "start"]

    To explain that
    • Line 1 load a node baseimage
    • Line 2 define a maintainer (your username in thinat case)
    • Line 3 & 4 define enviromentvariables, to switch from dev to prod
    • Line 5 copy our sourcecode to the container in "var/www"
    • LINE 6 define a workingdirectory
    • Line 7 run npm install
    • Line 8 Expose the default webserverport (prod/live)
    • Line 9 start the express webserver

    Create our image from the Dockerfile

    Now, that we have created our Dockerfile we can create our first image from it.

    Open a terminal in the folder where your Dockerfile lives
    docker build -f Dockerfile -t <yourdockerhub-username>/node-express
    This will create your image

    You can see you new image with
    docker images

    Create a new container from your image

    Now, that we have created our image from the dockerfile we can create a new container and run our sample app

    Open a terminal in the folder where your Dockerfile lives
    docker run -d -p 8081:3000 <yourdockerhub-username>/node-express

    Now you can reach your app under http://localhost:8081

    docker: dockerize your node.js application and your dev-enviroment and deploy it to the docker cloud

    Today we want to setup a simple node.js app with express and expressgenerator and deploy it to a docker container. The goal is:
    - to have a linux container with our app up and running.
    - The sourcecode lives in mounted volume on the host, so, that we can directly


    At first, you need to have some tools installed locally on yout machine. Here they are.
    • node.js installed
    • npm installed
    • docker installed
    On ubuntu you can install it like that
    $ apt-get install nodejs
    $ apt-get install npm
    We only need node and npm installed, to create a boilerplate app. In your daily works you will only checkout your project.

    On windows and mac you can do it like that


    Install docker

    Windows and Mac, follow the instruction under:

    If you are on ubuntu you can install docker like that:

    Install node sample app 

    We want to have our node.js sourcecode on the local machine, not in the docker container directly. So we are mounting the workingdirectory into the docker container later

    Install an express and express-generator
    $ npm install -g express express-generator

    Create an express project
    $ express sampleApp
    $ npm install
    This will generate our skeleton app. in the current folder

    Download your docker baseimage 

    To make things simple, we want to use a predefined "node.js ready" ubuntu image from dockerhub. If you dont know docker hub, take your time to create a an acocunt. you will need it later. https://hub.docker.com/

    pull your node container
    $ docker pull node 
    This will download our working image


    Create your appcontainer

    Now let's create our contrainer in which our node.js express app will live. We want, that we can browse the app on port 8080 and we want our sourcecode is mounted as a volume to the the docker container in dir "/var/www"

    This can be done by follwing command
    $ docker run -p 8080:3000 -v $(pwd):var/www -w "/var/www" node npm start 
    To expain that  
    • -p 8080:3000 -> the host port 8080 will be forwarded to port 3000 on the docker container, so we can reach the container under http://localhost:8080
    • -v -> we want to mount a folder on the host as a volume to the container 
    • $(pwd):var/www -> That means to mount the current dir to "var/www" in the container
    • -w "var/www" -> That means to change to "/var/www" on the container. 
    • npm start -> starts the app in "/var/www"


    Test your container

    Now you can surf "http://localhost:8080" and you should see your express site
    WOW. thats awesome.

    But wait. We want to test, how easy it is to edit your sourcecode.

    Go to your app directory where your code files lives and edit the index.hbm in the views folder.

    Type "Hi there" somewhere in the html code.

    Reload your browser. 

    You will see your changes directly