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Donnerstag, 4. August 2016

phpunit simple tests with selenium server on ubuntu

Today we want to add selenium to our phpunit testcases.

for that we need:

1) composer installed (ubuntu)

2) phpunit (ubuntu)

3) selenium installed (ubuntu)

It is possible to use chrome or firefox in your testcases. IE is excluded for now

lets start:

create following structure:

add a file "phpunit.xml" under "myproject"
this tells phpunit to use the composer autoloader, to do the loading

add file "composer.json" under "myproject" with folling content
This will tell composer, wich dependencies to use.

build dependency from a terminal
$ composer install

Add a testclass named GitHubTest.php under "app/test" with following code.

To explain the code above.

At first we are using the facebook testlibrary namespaces to get all the facebook webdriver stuff

In the method "setUp()" we are configuring our selenium webdriver and tell the test to use firefox on seleniumhost on port 4443. The port is defined in your selenium startscript under /etc/init.d/selenium

Here we shutdown the current selenium driver instance.

This is the method where we are doing the testing. We are simlly opening "http://github.com" and check the windowtitle for occurence of the word "Github".

Thats it.

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