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Mittwoch, 7. September 2016

jenkins: easy install jenkins 2.0 with docker

To make some exercises with docker, dockerfile and docker-compose, we want to automate the installation of jenkins 2.

The goal is to have a startup script which runs the composecommands and starts the jenkins server.


We need some things installed on the local machine.
  • docker installed
  • docker-compose installed

Get the installscript 

We just clone the docker scripts from this repository

Clone setupscripts
$ git clone https://github.com/pboethig/jenkins.git
$ cd jenkins

As you can see, there are 3 files in that folder. A docker-compose.yml with the minimum on imagedefinitions, a dockerfile, with the definition of the build, the network and the used ports.
And a small startupscript which runs the docker-compose commands.

Run the installer

Type in your terminal
$ ./startup.sh

That´s it.

Now you can reach your app under http://localhost:8081 on linux.

On Windows / Mac  you can get the dockermachine ip with

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