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Samstag, 20. August 2016

node.js: create your first express webserver

In the last tutorial, we have created a simple webserver. That was great as preperation to use the expressframework, which can handle the webserverstuff for us. Let's have a look to express.


node.js installed
npm installed

Install express globaly

$ npm install -g express

Create a npm project

Create your project rootfolder "express-project" and open a terminal in that folder and typpe:
$ npm init

Follow the intstructions on your terminal.

Add needed dependencies

Open package.json and add your dependencies. My package.json looks like that:

You can just pick the "dependencies" object 


Add you dependencies

Create a file "app.js" and paste following code
This will reference your dependencies and setup your express webserver.
As you can see, the webserver will be bound on port 3000 and it will return a simple "Hello world" response and will log the same words to the console.

Start the webserver

Open a terminal in the projectroot and type:
$ node app.js 

Now you can surf http://localhost:3000 and you should see "Hello world"

Thats it

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